So I decided to kick off my "Shopping my Stash" series of tutorials with my Gold Palette, featuring some great shadows,but in this case I used the Lancome Color Design Quad in Enchanted Evening (the four top shadows shown below)
Is this a picture tutorial?
Using a flat eye shadow brush, or in my case a sponge tip applicator, take the pale pink color from the quad. Put that color in the corner of your eye and around your tear duct, feathering the color onto your lid.
Flip your flat shadow brush, or sponge tip applicator, over and take the pale gold color. Use patting motions to pack color all over the lid, stopping at the crease.

Take a crease brush and dip it into milk chocolate brown color and put the color in your outer v and work it into your crease, sweeping from outward to inward so as you get closer to the inner part of your eye the color is light.
This part can be skipped if you're wearing this look during the day, or just don't want a darker look. Personally I wanted a darker look, so take another crease brush, or the same one as before, and dip it into a darker brown color, I used Darkhorse from the UD Naked Palette. Use the darker color to deepen your outer v and crease, only going 1/3 of the way into your crease.
Take a fluffy brush and dip into the lightest beige/ skin colored color. Use that as your highlight, so place it underneath your brows, I also brought it down to the corner of my eye/side of my nose because I have a shadow there.
Using the same fluffy brush, BLEND!
Using a flat eyeliner brush take the milk chocolate brown shade from the quad and put it on your lower lash line, going only 3/4 of the way in.
Curl your lashes.
Put on mascara. I'm using Maybelline Pulse Perfection Waterproof Mascara.
Next just put on the rest of your face and take pictures! :)
Hope you enjoyed the look.